Access Keys:

St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon


13th May 2024
Celebrations for First Holy Communion and Confirmation continued in school this afternoon...
12th May 2024
Congratulations to our P4 children who celebrated their First Holy Communion in St...
9th May 2024
Earlier this week, St. Joseph's P.5-7, joined their friends from Churchill P.S. for...
4th May 2024
Congratulations to Joe, Reighan, Ruairí, Ryan, Aimee and Kacie who received...
1st May 2024
Today, May Day, certainly felt as if the sunny, bright days had arrived. After all...
29th Apr 2024
The boys and girls have been making the most of the recent good weather playing rounders...
29th Apr 2024
This afternoon, Emma, from Hedgerow Heroes and Keep N.I.Beautiful, joined us for...
25th Apr 2024
We were delighted to present Patricia with a beautiful rose bush and a flowerpot...
22nd Apr 2024
Today we held a special assembly to celebrate World Earth Day.  The children...
16th Apr 2024
Colleen, Finnola and Caoimhe, Representatives from Ernst &Young Professional...