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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

News - Eco Council

13th Jun 2024
Look who was scampering around P5-7 bird table yesterday!   A red squirrel! ...
7th Jun 2024
This week the shared lessons between St.Joseph's P.S. and Churchill P.S. continued...
30th May 2024
A few weeks ago the Eco group planted some seed potatoes in tyres filled with our...
17th May 2024
Two new visitors arrived today and enjoyed exploring our beautiful grounds.
17th May 2024
All that heavy rain and flooding seems a distant memory, but it's only two weeks...
29th Apr 2024
This afternoon, Emma, from Hedgerow Heroes and Keep N.I.Beautiful, joined us for...
22nd Apr 2024
Today we held a special assembly to celebrate World Earth Day.  The children...
6th Mar 2024
Today the pupils of St. Joseph's P.S. had a very enjoyable visit to the lambing sheds...
27th Feb 2024
STOP PRESS ..... St.Joseph's Hedgerow Heroes recent competition success has been...
27th Feb 2024
Following our recent examination of the rubbish in each classroom, P5-7 thought it...