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St Josephs Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

News - School Council

9th May 2024
Earlier this week, St. Joseph's P.5-7, joined their friends from Churchill P.S. for...
19th Mar 2024
What a lovely evening we all had at the Spring Floral Workshop.  The wonderful...
15th Mar 2024
On Thursday, the Student Council ran a very successful Green Day fund-raiser. The...
2nd Feb 2024
All sorts of rules were broken today - children wearing no uniform! Crazy hair styles!...
4th Dec 2023
The boys and girls have been very busy preparing for the Christmas Market on Saturday...
14th Sep 2023
Our Student Council have taken up their positions for the year ahead - we're in safe...

2022/2023 School Year

4th Dec 2022
The children have been very busy making Christmas tree decorations for our display...
15th Nov 2022
The Student Council who organised all the wonderful Halloween activities.Well done...
29th Oct 2022
After lunch we had a dance party with lots of goodies to eat and party games. The...
29th Oct 2022
The Student Council led a Halloween Treasure Trail around the school grounds. The...