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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

Welcome to St. Joseph's Primary School

The aim of this website is to offer you an insight into life at our school.   All our staff, pupils and parents strive to make our school a happy place where learning is the central focus.  Many of the documents and policies used by our school can be downloaded in policies section. 

 Our school prides itself on the quality of provision in pastoral care, high academic success, and good relationships at all levels. We welcome the opportunity to strengthen our partnership with our parents, the parish and the wider community through the information published on our school website.

We hope you enjoy your visit.

Mrs Marie McKenna


E.T.I. Inspection September 2015

E.T.I. Inspected the school in September 2015 and placed the school in the top band for standards, achievement and leadership.  In particular they noted:

‘The school has a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners. ’


‘The leadership and management team is highly effective in developing school improvement.’


‘The quality of the provision for pastoral care is outstanding. A particular strength of the school is the involvement of the children in the very effective school and Eco-councils which develop the children’s confidence, decision-making and leadership skills.’


‘All of the lessons observed were of a high quality where respectful interactions between the teachers and the children contributed significantly to the positive learning environment. The teachers’ skilful questioning techniques challenge the children to think, to give reasons for their responses and to listen to others in order to plan and develop further their work.’


‘The children respond positively to the very effective learning opportunities provided by their teachers.’


The school lives out its motto, where they, ‘are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential in a secure and highly supportive environment,’ as evidenced by the questionnaire returns and the inspection findings.’


The full report can be accessed at

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