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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon


2022/2023 School Year

10th Mar 2023
Here are some Winter poems and pictures that KS2 completed in the first snows of...
9th Mar 2023
The clear, crisp frosty morning was ideal for outdoor P.E. Enjoy some action shots...
3rd Mar 2023
We had a great day celebrating World Book Day in school, demonstrating the passion...
24th Feb 2023
We were delighted to welcome our families to a special assembly celebrating "Caring...
22nd Feb 2023
A big St. Joseph's welcome to Karolina who has recently joined our P6 class and has...
19th Feb 2023
We have been experimenting with some new musical instruments to investigate how musical...
19th Feb 2023
Well done to Ava, Kacper and Ruairi who received certificates for competing in the...
11th Feb 2023
The Internet is an amazing resource for all of us, but we know it must be used safely...
10th Feb 2023
During Mental Health Week P5-7 have been thinking about how to stay calm and focus....
3rd Feb 2023
The boys and girls enjoy outdoor exercise together as they complete the daily mile