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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon


2022/2023 School Year

3rd Feb 2023
A big thank you to the staff and pupils of St Ciaran's College Ballygawley for inviting...
1st Feb 2023
We had great fun on our last session with the Burns Skills School Ltd as part of...
1st Feb 2023
The first snowdrops of Spring have been spotted in our grounds by the school Eco-Council.
30th Jan 2023
Well done to Joe, Ruairi, Ryan and James who represented St. Joseph's so well yesterday...
27th Jan 2023
The boys and girls enjoyed our "Break The Rules Day" in school yesterday. *** Note:...
24th Jan 2023
Our KS2 children and their friends from Churchill P.S. had great fun yesterday at...
24th Jan 2023
It was great to see Coach Cliona back today to put us through our paces! The children...
19th Jan 2023
Enjoying the wintery sunshine..
16th Jan 2023
We were delighted to welcome back past pupils Aimee and Shea this morning when they...
13th Jan 2023
Well done to Ava and Jack who were each awarded "Player of The Week" for their football...