Access Keys:

St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

Woodland Wellbeing

25th Sep 2023

Lucky pupils of St. Joseph's enjoyed a "Woodland Wellbeing" day at Parkanaur on Monday.  They experienced the joy of being in the great outdoors, actively being aware of the natural environment around them.
The children investigated mini-beast habitats, focusing and concentrating on finding creatures and sharing their results.  They predicted which clever mini-beast would find its way home first when released.
They completed a trail around Parkanaur, following a map to find 11 stations where they read a clue and used a code to answer a question.  At each station they also completed a wellbeing activity including exercising, breathing, using the 5-4-3-2-1  senses grounding technique, discussing feelings and emotions and how to help ourselves feel calm and happy.
On their trail they enjoyed seeing the deer, birds, beautiful birds, the flowing river and they loved the odd rain shower too.
Everyone came home feeling happier, calmer and fully aware of the benefits of being outdoors, enjoying nature.