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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

"Time to Code" with Finnola and Caoimh from Ernst and Young

4th Jun 2024

This week was our final lesson with Finnola and Caoimh, from Ernst and Young. Over this term the pupils have had amazing coding experiences, under the guidance of their wonderful tutors. The pupils have developed their coding skills, confidence and problem solving strategies. They have worked as a team member, actively listened to others and discussed ideas and strategies. They have had to test and retest code, identify problems, adjust code and experiment to solve problems. They have shared their learning and helped others in the class develop their skills.
Finnola and Caoimbh have certainly introduced the pupils to a potential new field of work and to the skills, attitudes and dispositions needed to be a functioning member of the workforce.
Our deepest thanks to Finnola and Caoimh, who led the project so successfully, and to Ernst and Young for their commitment to education within the community.