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St Joseph’s Primary School 14 Derrycourtney Rd, Caledon

"Making A Noise About Bullying"

13th Nov 2023

Anti-Bullying Week began with a live online eevent in St. Joseph's PS.  KS2 pupils joined a Hip Psychology workshop, "Together we are stronger" focusing on the different types of bullying and what we should do to stop bullying behaviour.
The pupils took part in multiple choice quizes which helped them identify verbal, physical, emotional and cyber bullying.
They discussed how we should respond to possible bullying situations - telling a trusted adult, reporting the facts of what you saw and allowing the adults to take over, "calling out" bullying behaviour, standing up for the person being bullied, removing them from the situation and asking them twice if they are ok.

"We are stronger together and together we can make a difference".

They also lookied at various situations to understand that playground disagreements and fallouts aren't necessarily bullying.
It is important for us to own our mistakes, take responsibility for our actions, apologise and therefore enable everyone to move on - a message for us all!
Further activities will take place over this week's Anti-bullying theme, "Make a Noise About Bullying"